As part of ISR endeavor under Project Sahyog, Dr. Sarika Jain (Head ISR, DSIMS) organized a session on E-Waste on 8th February 2018. This session was taken by Mrs. Shreeja Nambiar in collaboration with IDF headed by Dr. Narayan Iyer. Mrs. Shreeja is actively working in social sector and is providing technology based solutions to address social challenges to various NGO’s.
Mrs. Nambiar introduced e-waste and its potential causes and its impact on future generations. She briefed the students about the amounts of e-waste generated in India itself. Further she guided the students on different ways to segregate waste. She also mentioned IDF’s practices towards safe disposal of e-waste and how students too could take up initiatives for a future cause.
Mrs. Nambiar addressed the various doubts raised by students. Mr. Iyer and Dr Sarika Jain also shared their valuable insights regarding e-waste and initiatives with IDF.
At the end of the session E-Waste collector box was installed and inaugurated by Mrs. Nambiar, Dr. Iyer at DSIMS in the presence of faculty members and students. With this DSIMS becomes the first B- School in Mumbai to have an e waste collector box.