08 Nov Skill Sets of a Good Manager

The business world is quickly evolving. It has never been easier to get started, but it has never been more difficult to succeed. You’ve heard people say that “the customer is always right”, but you should also remember that “the market is always changing”. As a manager, you must be adaptable, resilient and always on the lookout for new growth opportunities – especially in today’s digital age.
So what are the Top 5 Skills that Every Manager Needs?
- 1) Emotional Intelligence :
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to understand your own emotions as well as the emotions of people around you. In a business context, this can be especially useful because it helps you understand what someone else is feeling and why they feel a certain way. It also helps you respond quickly to changing workplace circumstances. So if teamwork is important in your organization, give EQ training a try. It will help you steer clear of workplace conflicts and keep everyone working together towards the same goals. - 2) Complex Problem-Solving :
Critical thinking is a key component of problem-solving. It allows you to objectively examine the information and make an educated guess about the best way forward. Many careers require critical thinking including product design, commercial management, law and many more. To practice critical thinking skills for everyday life, set realistic goals for yourself. Think about what you want from life and how it affects your work and personal life. Now look for ways in which your daily routines can be improved with more efficient methods of handling chores or tasks (such as asking yourself if there is a better way you could get something done before starting). - 3) Digital literacy :
Today’s workplace requires more than just a grasp of technology. We live in a technologically advanced era that necessitates digital literacy in nearly every profession. Digital literacy is in high demand in fields other than technology. Today’s workplace requires familiarity with computers, online research and apps, not to mention industry-specific software. If you struggle to master technology, it might be hard for you to survive, so start your digital journey today. - 4) Teamwork :
Working in a team is an important aspect of any job. No matter what type of job you’re applying for, it’s critical to demonstrate your ability to collaborate with others during your job interview. Potential employers are looking for employees who are open-minded and collaborative – traits that will help you succeed on the job. Every career path necessitates teamwork. This includes jobs where employees must make independent decisions as well as jobs where they have numerous opportunities to seek additional feedback from their coworkers. No matter the job you’re considering, teamwork will be critical to your success on the job. Either at school or in the workplace, you’ll have to work with other people who have different skills and perspectives than your own. - 5) Adaptability :
The ability to adapt to changing circumstances is one of the most important skills for the future. The increasing complexity in our business world requires us to be able to think quickly and be able to deal with a range of situations that demand flexibility, creativity, and resourcefulness. This will help you grow, help you stay in business as well as get ahead in your career.
The future of technology is rapidly changing, and the skills needed to work in this emerging field are changing too. But it doesn’t have to wait. Fortunately, DSIMS offers a variety of courses that provides an opportunity to prepare for your career by developing new and useful skills that will enable you to advance your career and develop new skills that will help you adapt right.